Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Island of Avalon ja saare Sarras olid kunagi at Glastonbury


http://isleofavallon.blogspot.co.uk #3

And Did those feet written by Michael Goldsworthy is an explanation that brings together the Grail story traditions with the Glastonbury legends of King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea. 

In 1191 the bones of King Arthur were supposedly dug up at Glastonbury Abbey. It was rumoured that a cross was found with him which conveniently stated that King Arthur, (i.e the bones just unearthed), were found  ‘in Avalon’, confirming to those that needed to be persuaded, that Avalon was in fact Glastonbury. The reason the monks at Glastonbury committed a fraud such as this was because of the Grail legends concerning the Matiere de Bretagne coming from France.  These were in a way competing with the established tradition at Glastonbury which associated King Arthur with Joseph of Arimathea. The news of this Grail literature was now prevalent in England and Glastonbury needed an association with a saint to attract Pilgrims. It is due to Melkin’s prophecy that Joseph had always been associated with Glastonbury since it related information concerning ‘virginem adorandam’  which was assumed by Glastonbury monks to relate to the church built in wattle at Glastonbury that was dedicated to the virgin Mary. This was also assumed by William of Malmesbury when he mentioned the same church.  This part of Melkin’s riddle is infact providing accurate on site details of the position of the burial place of Joseph of Arimathea  at Burgh Island. It was due to this misinterpretation of Melkin’s prophecy that Glastonbury presently rests its case as to being the Location of Avalon and the hallowed ground where Joseph lays. If Joseph were there he would have already been discovered.

Nobody was too sure where the island of Avalon was, but everybody since the writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth knew that King Arthur was also buried in Avalon. This actually indicates that Geoffrey did source material written by Melkin that remained in Britain as Melkin is responsible for renaming the island from Ictis to Avalon.

Joseph of Arimathea, by Melkin’s prophecy also indicated was buried in Avalon.  Neither William of Malmesbury nor Geoffrey of Monmouth associated Glastonbury with the Island of Avalon at the time they wrote. This was a later corruption by monks and the sole purpose of producing the fraudulent unearthed cross was to establish Glastonbury as Avalon. If Glastonbury could only be established as Avalon by the unearthing of King Arthur, then it must follow the Joseph of Arimathea was also buried within the Abbey grounds if all were convinced that Glastonbury was Avalon. To unearth Joseph of Arimathea, however, would prove difficult as it was known that he was buried with the holy Grail. Since the monks were not apprised of what the holy Grail consisted of, it was easier to fabricate the unearthing of King Arthur with a cross attesting to the fact that where he was unearthed was indeed Glastonbury and therefore it must be the island of Avalon. The reason Joseph of Arimathea needed to be associated with Glastonbury is because the monks needed funding to rebuild their Abbey after the fire.

Prior to the fire of 1184, there existed a prophecy written by a monk called Melkin. In this prophecy, (once it is decoded), Melkin supplies very pertinent information in geometric instructions, that gives precise directions to an island in Devon. This island is Burgh island in Devon. Melkin states that the body of Joseph of Arimathea lies in the southern angle of a bifurcated line. Once Melkin's code is deciphered, it clearly portrays that Avebury is the point on the St. Michael’s ley line, which in his puzzle, he refers to as a ‘sperula’or sphere, meaning a stone circle. This is the point within the Avebury stone circle complex which, at 13°, if one scribe's a line through Montacute to Burgh island (which Melkin calls the island of Avalon), it is exactly one hundred and Four nautical miles, the exact number that Melkin gives. We should not forget that Father William good deposited this clue in the English college at Rome. Someone or some organisation had tried to eliminate this information from ‘Maihew's Trophea’ to prevent the Joseph line being found but luckily this clue was preseved in Stillingfleet’s private collection and thus acts as a confirmation that the line is Genuine. It also seems that several marker churches that identified the genuine Avalon were also destroyed to prevent this information coming into the public arena.

The location of Avalon has always been thought to exist at Glastonbury but with a recent study of some of the oldest text and the uncovering of the fraud concerning King Arthur carried out by the monks at Glastonbury, it is evident that Avalon is in Devon . The references that Melkin gives are part of a geometric riddle that once solved, points straight to the island in Devon which is obviously fits Diodorus’s description as Ictis.

This is in fact named in the Grail stories as the island of Sarras named after Judah’s eldest son Zarah, who broke the womb first. His name has the same pronunciation as Sarra in French and his descendants came to the south-west and were the primordial miners of tin on southern Dartmoor who brought their tin to this island to be sold. This is the reason that in the Grail stories, the island is called Sarras and to which the holy Grail was brought. It is to this island that after the crucifixion of Jesus, when his body was taken down from the cross by his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, it was then conveyed to a box filled with Cedar oil so that it might preserve his corpse. This box or coffin known as the Grail Ark was then conveyed with Joseph and several others from Jerusalem to the island of Sarras, which Joseph knew well, having visited many times previously on his mercantile trips with Jesus. This island had been known about in the Greek chronicles because Pytheas a Greek explorer had visited the island on his expedition to find amber which they did not realise was the sometime by product of tin and copper smelting. The island was kept secret over many years since Pytheas’ visit, until Joseph of Arimathea visited the island with Jesus on one of his trips abroad gathering metals.

It was to this island previously known as Ictis that Joseph of Arimathea chose to convey the Grail ark and place Jesus in an old tin vault that had been shut down or made redundant due to the Roman invasion. For about 1000 years, the island called Burgh island had been the place on the coast where all the tin miners up on southern Dartmoor had brought their tin to be stored in the vault. This transpired so that visiting traders could take away tin at any time and the island acted as a trading post. It is for this reason that Diodorous refers to it as an ‘emporium’. It becomes clear now the reason that Joseph of Arimathea knew the island very well. Strabo even relates the story behind the cache of tin ingots found at the head of the Erm.

The gospels relate that Jesus was laid to rest in a hewed out tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea and the rumours still persisted as eyewitnesses had seen the doubled over white shroud that covered his body as he lay in the Grail ark. One wonders if the Gospel accounts of the burial of Jesus are just the echoes of the misconstrued eyewitness accounts that existed in Jerusalem just after the resurrection. This set of events aslo explains why the flower imprints were found on the Turin shroud. This is fully explained in detail in a book called ‘And did those feet’, written by Michael Goldsworthy as new theory as to how the Grail stories, the Arthurian legend at Glastonbury and the gospels interlink and provide evidence of the whereabouts of the body of Jesus.

Melkin, who actually wrote the original book of the Grail, which ended up over in France and gave rise to the many Arthurian Grail romances now is understood to be the same person who provided the rumours of Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury. So now we have a tomb containing King Arthur, Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus that was last shut when Melkin moved to France in around 600AD, sometime after the Saxon invasion. However the Templars, once they have been disbanded in the Middle Ages, were also privy to this island location and they knew what was buried within. It was here on Christmas Day in 1307 that they decided, (after King Philip and the Pope had disbanded their organisation), to relocate their treasure that they had managed to recuperate and ammased it into three treasure ships that left La Rochelle on 13Tth October 1307.

While depositing their treasure in the tomb they removed the Shroud of Jesus that had been submerged in the Cedar oil for 600 years while covering his body. It is inside this vault that the image of Jesus on the Turin Shroud was formed while draped over the body of Jesus in Cedar oil. The evaporated Cedar oil has left a caramel like substance all over the Turin Shroud, but the image itself was formed by the detritus left behind by anaerobic bacteria.

Only 50 years later, one of the Templars that died with Jack de Molay near Notre Dame in Paris, had a granddaughter that produced the Turin Shroud. This is not coincidence and answers the many questions of why there is no provenance for the Shroud of Turin prior to 1354. The Shroud had existed within the tin vault until the Templars arrive and remove it. The song which became a Christmas Carol; ‘I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day in the morning’ is really the echo of the Templars bringing their treasure to the island of Avalon in Devon. However, this song had always been associated in Cornish tradition to the visit of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea. It was the Templars, however, that marked out all the churches dedicated to St. Michael that lie along the St. Michael Ley line. Oddly enough, it is the other St. Michael churches that we used as markers, that confirm that the island of Avalon is indeed Burgh island in Devon

It is this line that Melkin refers to, which, when bifurcated within the Avebury stones at 13° and a line is scribed for 104 nautical miles it lands on this same island. Unequivocably Melkin understands the connection between the island of Ictis used by Joseph of Arimathea and clearly calls it the island of Avalon. Firstly, it is known by the Greeks as Ictis, secondly, as the island of Sarras by the French Grail writers and thirdly, as the island of Avalon named as such by Melkin originally and made to appear as pertaining to Glastonbury tor by some devious medieval monks . It is even referred to as the island of Avaron by some of the Grail writers.

The unofficial anthem written by William Blake called Jerusalem starts with the line ‘And did those feet’. This is the title of the book written by Michael Goldsworthy , which conveys the same story that Jesus visited England while accompanying his father, Joseph of Arimathea to Britain. The book called ‘And did those feet’clearly deciphers Melkin’s prophecy, so that it becomes apparent that Melkin knew where the island of Avalon was and what existed within it. To fully understand this extraordinary set of events, go to the link provided below and buy the ebook

Insula auallonis auida funere paganorum, pre ceteris in orbe ad sepulturam eorum omnium sperulis propheciae vaticinantibus decorata, & in futurum ornata erit altissimum laudantibus. Abbadare, potens in Saphat, paganorum nobilissimus, cum centum et quatuor milibus domiicionem ibi accepit. Inter quos ioseph de marmore, ab Armathia nomine, cepit sompnum perpetuum; Et iacet in linea bifurcata iuxta meridianum angulum oratori, cratibus praeparatis, super potentem adorandam virginem, supradictis  sperulatis locum habitantibus tredecim. Habet enim secum Ioseph in sarcophago duo fassula alba & argentea, cruore prophete Jhesu & sudore perimpleta. Cum reperietur ejus sarcofagum, integrum illibatum in futuris videbitur, & erit apertum toto orbi terrarium. Ex tunc aqua, nec ros coeli insulam nobilissimam habitantibus poterit deficere. Per multum tempus ante diem Judioialem in iosaphat erunt aperta haec, & viventibus declarata. 
  Hucusque melkinus

Iidsetel aegadel umbes 350 eKr Kreeka meresõitja, kes külastasid Suurbritannia kirjutas ajakirjas ning see ta kirjeldas saar, kus tina on toodetud ja ta nimetas seda kala saarel või kreeka Ichthys, Ichthus ja Ikhthus st saarel Ictis. See saar oli ümbritsetud pilchards teatud aegadel aastas seega tema nimi. Tina kaubandus, mis oli tegutsenud alates 1000bc läbi Foiniikia kauplejad hiljem kommenteeris lepitud Ladina kroonik nimega Diodorus ja tema kommentaare Briti olid seda.
Elanikud, kes elavad lähedal neem Briti tuntud Belerium, minu tina ja kui nad on sulanud see tina valuplokid, nad teevad seda teatud saar, mis asub off Suurbritannias ja kutsutakse Ictis. Juures aegamööda vaibub see on tõusulaine, vahe selles saare ja mandri jääb kuiv ja siis nad saavad edasi tina suurtes kogustes üle saare oma vaguneid.
See on saare Burgh Island S.Devon oma liiva tamm, mis kuivab mõõna, mil vankrid tina mainitud Pytheas toodi alla Lõuna Dartmoor läbi Loddiswell upon vana cart track. Ainult "fiksaatoriga" ühest nende vagunite leida Devon ja Cornwalli Pytheas "ajastu leiti sama rada Dartmoor et Ictis. Nad sõitsid mööda loodete tee Aveton Gifford jõuda saare IctisNagu paljud teavad on legend Cornwallis, et Joosep Arimaatiast Jeesuse onu oli Tin kaupmees ja et ta tuli nimetatud ranniku korja tina koos Jeesusega kui ta oli veel üks poiss. Keegi oli üsna kindel, miks Ictis kutsuti Emporium, mis tähendab, turg, kuid nüüd on teada, et selle saare on vana võlvkelder algselt kasutatud ladustamiseks tina poolt vana kaevurid, aga umbes samal ajal roomlased tungisid Briti see tuli üha raskem hoida salajas, et Joseph ostsid selle saare suur tina võlvkelder sees. Jeesuse ihu on veel avastamata jooksul Island. Seetõttu evangeeliumid käsitlevad 3 asjakohased faktid, haud kuulus Joseph oli raius läbi haud, et ükski teine ​​mees oli Lain enne ja see oli valge lapiga. See, mida evangeeliumid nõustu lepitud, kuid nad ei lase sel haud saidil on Inglismaal.
Tegelikult Strabo teine ​​kroonik, et Captain jooksis tema paat kivide asemel kinkida saarte seisukoht roomlased ja see just nii juhtub, et kõrval see saar on meil ainult kaks mere rusud iidsest tina tööstusele. See on koht, kus suurim cache tina valuplokid leiti paar miili kaugusel ictis.Melkin prohvet ja munk, kes elas umbes 450 kuni 650AD kirjutas väga kummaline ettekuulutus ladina keeles, mis siiani on jäänud ebaselgeks tükk kirjandust, mis annab juhiseid, et matmise koht Joosep Arimaatiast. Joseph on väidetavalt koos temaga, mida peetakse Püha Graal temaga, kus ta on maetud saarele Avalon.Aastaid Graal jahimehed on eeldada, et Graal ja Joseph vale at Glastonbury kuid ettekuulutus anti kujul puzzle ja hiljuti see mõistatus on lukustamata ja nüüd selgus, raamat nimega "Ja ei need Feet".
Raamatu "Ja kas need Feet" on oma nime saanud luuletuse autor William Blake, mis on kõige Britid teada on hümn Jeruusalemma, mis räägib New Jerusalem olemasolevate Suurbritannias ja küsib küsimuse "Jeesus" jalad käima peale Inglismaa meeldiv karjamaa roheline. Noh nüüd on meil vastus, sest Jeesus on maetud selle saare kõrval Joosep Arimaatiast.Prohvet melkin külastas matmispaik pärast kuningas Arthur maeti sinna ja lahkus neid juhiseid tulevaste põlvede jaoks, et me võiks paljastada tema haud kohas ning nõuab saare saar Avalon.Island of Avalon, coveting paganad surma ennekõike teised (kohtades) maailmas, sest neil on oma entombment olemas ja see on au ring, mis portends of ennustama (ja see ring on kivi ring Avebury). Siis öeldakse, et tulevikus saarel on kaunistatud need, mis annavad au kõrgeima ja "Abbadare" (mis tõlkes tähendab isa pärl, kes on muidugi Jeesus) vägev otsus isetumaks nende välismaalaste magab 104 meremiili miili kaugusel Avebury ja kelle poolt ta saanud vastava matmine mere alates Joseph, kes on oma nime saanud Arimaatiast, ja ta on võtnud ka oma igavest puhata seal, ja nad asuvad Lõuna-kahvli "kahestunud Meridional" rida nurk aasta ranniku-Tor, et kraater, mille ületamisel võib minna otsa juures äärel, sest see oli juba valmis kõrgel Ictis. see haud on nüüd oma eluruumi ja asub 13 kraadi st. Michael jõuväljajoonte.Seda melkin ütleb meile ja see on sätestatud sõna-sõnalt nii, et ennustus saab täielikult mõista raamatu ja tegi need jalga. Klõpsa lingil.Templars ehitatud hulgaliselt kirikuid kõik pühendatud St Michael, mis sisaldab St Michael jõuväljajoonte ja nagu Mihkli mount Cornwallis see väike saar oli Mihkli kirikus, kuid see on isa Hea viieteistkümnenda sajandi jesuiitide munk, kes kinnitab seda seisukohta kes ütleb, et Joosep Arimaatiast on "hoolikalt peidetud" Montacute ja te näete, et liin läbib St.Michaels mäe, kus kunagi ka seisnud kirik pühendatud talle täpselt 104 miili joon, mis on kahestunud kolmteist kraadi ja läbib MONTECUTE.
Paljud teadlased ja ajaloolased, kes on tegelenud Glastonbury materjal öelda Melkin oli väljamõeldis twelvth või 13. sajandil. See ei ole lihtsalt tõsi ja see seisukoht on ainult jõudsime, sest keegi on suutnud dešifreerida Melkin s Prophecy enne praeguse ajastu. Küsige endalt, miks peaks keegi tegema puzzle, et keegi ei mõista veel kõiki üksikasju ta on nii täpsed ja viia väga saarel nimetatud ettekuulutus.
Mitte ainult ei Melkin kirjutada originaal Graal raamat, mis kehtestab asukoha see saar, vaid Leonardo Da Vinci teadis kus see saar oli ka öelnud, et tema maalid Madonna ja yarnwinder ta näitaks meile, kus see Saar on. Ta maalis 2 Yarnwinder maalid mis näitavad täpselt, kui geograafiline asukoht on. Me näeme, kui me ühendada kaks maali, et me teame, tuleb maalitud teda, ta annab iga geograafilise detail, mis paikneb saare Avalon kui tänapäeva Burgh saar Devon mis me näeme ka seda sama perspektiivi Google Earth.See on keeruline lugu, kuid see väljendub see uus ja õpetlik raamat, mis annab tunnistust sellest, kuidas saarel sai tuntuks saarel Sarras aastal Graali lood ja kuidas Torino surilina on tegelikult päris tõsine lapiga Jeesuse näinud Melkin ja et ta viitas sellele kui "Duo Fassula".Tegelikult näete Melkin tema Ladina kirjeldus vastab surilina täiesti kui me mõistame, et tema mõistatus Duo Fassula on tõesti Duplico fasciola või kahekordistunud hauda lapiga, sest see ütleb, et ....Habet enim secum Ioseph sisse sarcophago duo fassula alba & argentea, cruore Prophete Jhesu & sudore perimpleta:
Joosep on temaga sarkofaag kahekordistunud valge Swaddling riidega kaetud vere ja higi prohvet Jeesus, mis oli murtud tema ümber.Templars kes ehitas St.Michael kirikud tähistada seda hauda saidi matsid oma varanduse saarel jõulupüha aastal 1307 pärast saabumist 3 aare laevad. Kuna nad maha aare ja enne kui nad sulges haud viimast korda üks neist (ilmselt Geoffrey de Charney) eemaldada Shroud Jeesuse hauast, mis on praegu on exibit Torinos.King Arthur keha oli ka maetud selle saarel ja see on siin, et ta tuli otsida ime, et ravida tema surmaga haavade pärast lahingut tema kuningriiki, sest ta teadis, et Jeesus maeti sees. Goeffrey of Monmouth ka meenutab, et Arthur on maetud saarele Avalon, kuid see on Melkin kes kinnitab, et oleme õiges kohas, öeldes sõna Supradictis st kuni kõrge IctisJa kas need jalad Michael Goldsworthy on paljastav raamat kõik kaardid ja tõendid, mis selgitab, kuidas see on see, mis oli tuntud Graal ARK Graal romansside sisaldab Jeesuse keha ja kinnitab, kuidas pilt Torino surilina formuleeriti aastal seedriõli. Saladus on nüüd avastatud, kuid see, mis maailmas õppida seda Avastamise haud selle püha saarel ja milline saab olema mõju avastamine see haud ja selle sisu on kõigi suuremate religioonide täna.See on põnev raamat avaldati ebook või paperback ja on täis suurepäraseid fotosid ja diagramme, mis annavad tõendeid.


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